B. R. Ambedkar Quotes on caste, democracy, and education are particularly relevant in today’s India. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar was an Indian social reformer and the chief architect of the Constitution of India. He was also the chairman of the drafting committee of the Constituent Assembly. He was a prolific writer and his work often touched on the topics of religion, caste, and social equality.
B. R. Ambedkar was born into a poor family of the untouchable caste in India. He was the 14th and last child of his parents. Despite the many difficulties he faced due to his social status, he went on to obtain degrees in economics, law, and political science from Columbia University and the London School of Economics.
Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar was an Indian jurist, economist, politician, and social reformer who inspired the Dalit Buddhist Movement and campaigned against social discrimination against the Untouchables (Dalits), while also supporting the rights of women and labor.
He was Independent India’s first law minister, the principal architect of the Constitution of India, and is considered the father of the Republic of India. B. R. Ambedkar Quotes are widely shared on social media by his admirers. Some of his well-known quotes are:
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B. R. Ambedkar Quotes
B. R. Ambedkar Quotes are really famous among youngsters these days. He was an Indian Jurist, Politician, Philosopher, Economist, Anthropologist, Historian, Sociologist, Writer, Essayist, Journalist, and Editor. Ambedkar was also the Chief Architect of the Indian Constitution. He was born on April 14th, 1891, in the town and military cantonment of Mhow in the Central Provinces. His father was an officer in the Indian Army.
B. R. Ambedkar Quotes inspire us in our daily lives. He always fought for equality and justice. In his quotes, he has given some amazingly written words which are still relevant in today’s time. We have compiled a list of some of the famous B. R. Ambedkar Quotes which will motivate you.
“The relationship between husband and wife should be one of closest friends.” – B. R. Ambedkar

“The Constitution is not a mere lawyers document, it is a vehicle of Life, and its spirit is always the spirit of Age.” – B. R. Ambedkar
“We are Indians, firstly and lastly.” – B. R. Ambedkar
“The relationship between a ruler and a subject is never cordial. It is always strained. It is one of give and take.” – B. R. Ambedkar
“We are Indians, firstly and lastly.” – B. R. Ambedkar
“Hindus should give up the claim that Hinduism is a religion in the sense that Christianity and Islam are.” – B. R. Ambedkar
“The relationship between husband and wife should be one of closest friends.” – B. R. Ambedkar

“The Constitution is not a mere lawyers document, it is a vehicle of Life, and its spirit is always the spirit of Age.” – B. R. Ambedkar
“The relationship between a ruler and a subject is never cordial. It is always strained. It is one of give and take.” – B. R. Ambedkar
“The Constitution is not a mere lawyers document, it is a vehicle of Life, and its spirit is always the spirit of Age.” – B. R. Ambedkar
“We are Indians, firstly and lastly.” – B. R. Ambedkar
“Hindus should give up the claim that Hinduism is a religion in the sense that Christianity and Islam are.” – B. R. Ambedkar

“The relationship between a ruler and a subject is never cordial. It is always strained. It is one of give and take.” – B. R. Ambedkar
“Hindus should give up the claim that Hinduism is a religion in the sense that Christianity and Islam are.” – B. R. Ambedkar
B. R. Ambedkar Quotes on Education
B. R. Ambedkar Quotes on Education are one of the most popular topics among students and teachers. B. R. Ambedkar was an Indian polymath, jurist, economist, politician, and social reformer who is also the principal architect of the Indian Constitution. Ambedkar was a prolific writer and his books, essays, and speeches describe his vision of India.
Here, we will explore some of the most famous B. R. Ambedkar quotes on education. These quotes highlight the importance of education and its potential to change the world. Education was very important to Ambedkar and he believed that it was a powerful tool that could be used to eradicate caste discrimination and social injustice. So without further ado, let’s take a look at some of the most inspiring B. R. Ambedkar quotes on education!
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” – B. R. Ambedkar

“There are three things which are very hard, steel, a diamond, and to know one’s self.” – B. R. Ambedkar
“An illiterate person is not just one who cannot read or write. An illiterate person is one who cannot think and reason.” – B. R. Ambedkar
“Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.” – B. R. Ambedkar
“Education must be a means to enable individuals to develop their personalities, to rid themselves of the social, economic, and political slavery in which they have been placed, and to achieve liberty, equality, and fraternity.” – B. R. Ambedkar
Ambedkar Motivational Quotes
Ambedkar Motivational Quotes are inspiring quotes by Indian leader and social reformer B. R. Ambedkar. Ambedkar is best known for his work in fighting for the rights of Dalits, or “untouchables,” in India. His quotes continue to be relevant today as we work to build a more just and equitable world.
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was an Indian economist, jurist, politician, and social reformer who fought for the rights of the Dalit community in India. He is also the chief architect of the Indian Constitution. Throughout his life, he gave many speeches and wrote many books that motivated people from all walks of life.
In this blog, we will be looking at some of the most inspiring quotes by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. These quotes will give you the strength to fight for your rights and never give up in the face of adversity.
“I measure the progress of a community by the degree of progress which women have achieved.” – B. R. Ambedkar

“Political tyranny is nothing compared to the social tyranny and a reformer who defies society is a more courageous man than a politician who defies government.” – B. R. Ambedkar
“So long as you do not achieve social liberty, whatever freedom is provided by the law is of no avail to you.” – B. R. Ambedkar
“If we want to learn something new, we must first unlearn what we already know.” – B. R. Ambedkar

B. R. Ambedkar was an Indian jurist, economist, and social reformer who fought for the rights of the Dalit people. He was the chief architect of the Indian Constitution, and his quotes continue to inspire people around the world.
B. R. Ambedkar was a great leader who fought for the rights of all people. B. R. Ambedkar Quotes inspire us to stand up for what we believe in and fight for justice. If you liked this article, please share it with your friends and family.